Instructions for Compiling and Running SPMF
Compiling the source code of SPMF is easy since it has no dependencies to other Java project.
Below, I provide a simple guide about how to compile the code of SPMF using three popular development environment: Eclipse, Netbeans and IntelliJ.
Compiling the source code with Eclipse
How to import the source code in Eclipse, and compile the project:
- Install Eclipse. Make sure that you have installed the
latest version of the JAVA SDK on your machine.
- Open Eclipse. Do "File / New / Java Project /"
- Type the name of the project and then click on "Finish"
- Then, right-click on the "src" folder of the Java project that
you have created. Choose "Properties". Copy the name of the
directory that is shown in the properties. It should be something
like that: "C:\eclipse\Workspace\test2\src"
- Go to that directory. Download the file (if you have not done it yet) and uncompress it there so that the folder "ca" should appear directly in the folder "src".
- Go back into Eclipse.
- Right-click on! the Java project and select "Refresh".
- This is it. The project is now installed.
How to run the test files:
Once you have installed the project you are ready for running the
- In Eclipse, you should go to "ca.pfv.spmf.test"
folder, in your Java project. In this folder there are all the
examples of how to use the software. All of these examples are described on the website : ( )
- Let say that you want to run the
CHARM algorithm. There is an example of how to run CHARM in the documentation of SPMF, which indicate that we should run the file """"
- To run it, you have to right click on"
and then choose "Run as / Java application".
- That's it! You can modify the test files to take other files
as input or change the parameters of the algorithms.
Compiling the source code with NetBeans
How to import the source code in Netbeans, and compile the project:
- Install Netbeans. Make sure that you have installed the
latest version of the JAVA SDK on your machine.
- Open NetBeans. Do "File" > New project > Java Application > Next >
- Type the name of the project and then click on "Finish"
- Then, right click on "Source packages" and go to "Properties". This will open a window showing the project path. The project path should be something like that: "C:\Users\ph\Documents\NetBeansProjects\JavaApplication1"
- Go to that directory. Download the file (if you have not done it yet) and uncompress it there so that the folder "ca" should appear directly in the folder "src".
- Go back into NetBeans.
- This is it. The project is now installed.
How to run the test files:
Once you have installed the project you are ready for running the software.
- In NetBeans, you should go to "ca.pfv.spmf.test"
folder, in your Java project. In this folder there are all the
examples of how to use the software. All of these examples are described in the documentation on the website : ( )
- Let say that you want to run the
CHARM algorithm. There is an example of how to run CHARM in the documentation of SPMF, which indicate that we should run the file """"
- To run it, you have to right click on"
and then choose "Run file".
- That's it! You can modify the test files to take other files
as input or change the parameters of the algorithms.
Compiling the source code with IntelliJ
How to import the source code in IntelliJ, and compile the project:
- Install IntelliJ. Make sure that you have installed the latest version of the JAVA SDK on your machine.
- Open IntelliJ.
- Click "New Project".
- Type the name of the project and then click on "Finish"
- Then, right click on the project and click on "Open In > Explorer ". This will open a window showing the directory for this project on your computer. The project path should be something like that: "C:\Users\phil\IdeaProjects\Name_of_project\"
- Download the file (if you have not done it yet) and uncompress it there so that the folder "ca" should appear directly in the folder "src".
- Go back into IntelliJ.
- This is it. The project is now installed.
How to run the test files:
Once you have installed the project you are ready for running the software.
- In IntelliJ, you should go to "ca.pfv.spmf.test" folder, in your Java project. In this folder there are all the
examples of how to use the software. All of these examples are described in the documentation on the website : ( )
- Let say that you want to run the
CHARM algorithm. There is an example of how to run CHARM in the documentation of SPMF, which indicate that we should run the file """"
- To run it, you have to right click on"
and then choose "Run MainTestCharm_bitset_saveToFile main()".
- That's it! You can modify the test files to take other files
as input or change the parameters of the algorithms.