Keynote Speaker
Dr. Joshua Zhexue Huang
Distinguished Professor
Director of Big Data Institute
Shenzhen University, China
Title: Approximate Computing for Big
Data Analysis
In the era of big data, datasets with millions of objects and thousands of features have become a phenomenon in many organizations. Such datasets, often in the size of hundred gigabytes or even terabytes, can easily exceed the size of the memory of the cluster systems, creating computing problems in big data analysis. Therefore, how to effectively processing and analyzing terabyte big data with limited resources is both a theoretical and technical challenge in current big data research.
In this talk, I will discuss the issues of distributed data
computing with a particular focus on approximate computing for
big data. Starting with a general introduction to challenges
in big data analysis, I continue with current technologies
used in big data analysis and their shortcomings. Then, I will
present approximate computing for big data and a new method
that uses multiple random samples to compute approximate
results of big data. Finally, I will present the new
technologies and algorithms to enable approximate computing,
including the random sample partition (RSP) data model, the
LMGI computing framework and the algorithm to generate the RSP
data models from HDFS big data files. LMGI is a non-MapReduce
framework that allows execution of serial algorithms
independently on local nodes or virtual machines without data
communications among the nodes. The new technologies present
the following breakthroughs in big data computing: analyzing
big data without memory limit, executing serial algorithms
directly in distributed computing, and extending the
scalability of data analysis to the scale of terabytes on
small clusters.
Dr. Joshua Zhexue Huang is a distinguished professor at College of Computer Science and Software Engineering and the founding director of Big Data Institute of Shenzhen University. Prof. Huang is known for his contributions to the development of a series of k-means type clustering algorithms in data mining, such as k-modes, fuzzy k-modes, k-prototypes and w-k-means, which are widely cited and used, and some of which have been included in commercial software. He has extensive industry expertise in business intelligence, data mining and big data analysis. He has been involved in numerous consulting projects in Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. Dr Huang received his PhD degree from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. He has published over 200 research papers in conferences and journals with over 10000 citations. In 2006, he received the first PAKDD Most Influential Paper Award. He has served as conference and program chairs of several national and international conferences in the areas of data mining and big data. He is recognized as a scientist of Career Scientific Impact in Stanford University World’s top 2% scientists list.