License Agreement
SPMF is copyright by Philippe Fournier-Viger and some parts are copyright by contributors.
The code is licensed under the open-source GNU GPL version 3 license. The GPL license provides four freedoms:
- Obtain and run the program for any purpose
- Get a copy of the source code
- Modify the source code
- Re-distribute the modified source code
The only restriction is that if you want to redistribute the software, you must:
- provide access to the source code,
- license derived work under the same GPL v3 license
Besides, if SPMF is used in a scientific publication, please cite the following publication:
Fournier-Viger, P., Lin, C.W., Gomariz, A., Gueniche, T., Soltani, A., Deng, Z., Lam, H. T. (2016). The SPMF Open-Source Data Mining Library Version 2. Proc. 19th European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD 2016) Part III, Springer LNCS 9853, Â pp. 36-40.
If you have any questions, please contact Philippe Fournier-Viger.